The Need

The world may not actually view certain issues the way we do; or the manner in which we would like. Sometimes, they don’t even consider an issue which is important to us, at all.
Can we decipher ‘what’ agitates society; ‘how’ society interprets issues that are important to us?
What does it take to extract unbiased, informative, and human insights from the vast amount of information available through the World Wide Web, or any other source of textual content?
We are pioneering applications that help enhance and leverage two super-traits: Empathy and Curiosity – to address this uncomfortable reality.
A combination that can help solve a critical challenge for brands and individuals alike: what and how do people really think about a particular issue.
Our solutions are not based on conditioning research or self-validating, presumptive surveys . . .they are based exclusively on how society views a particular issue, on what terms and, even, the very words it uses to address it in their subconscious, regular daily lives. The results may surprise you, but that’s the beauty and challenge of human nature – people don’t always behave as we predict

Share of Find
Share of Find (SoF) measures how often a brand appears in organic search results, like on Google. It represents the proportion of search queries related to a category or topic that feature the brand, indicating its visibility within the search results.
Emotional Analytics
Emotional Analytics reports identify the emotions linked to specific issues by date, country, and language. Default emotions tracked include anger, anticipation, disgust, fear, jealousy, happiness, loneliness, sadness, and surprise, based on Discrete Emotion Theories. Custom emotional combinations can also be analyzed.

CompoEmo Indices use Emotional Analytics to provide insights the next day’s BOVESPinto financial market movements. For example, our data has accurately predicted A index movement over 65% of the time in certain historical periods, showcasing the value of detailed correlation analysis with various factors.
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